A trademark is a unique attribute or characteristics or expression that is exclusive only to your product or service that distinguishes from others . The expression could be a slogan , photograph , logo , graphics etc . Moreover , a trademark must be unique should not clash with any other company or brand name . So , you can conduct a search to check if your brand name clashes any other brand name . Owners of trademarks have exclusive rights to their use under the categories they are registered in (there are a total of 45 categories, called classes). Trademark registration allows owners to establish their right to the trademark in court and earn royalties.
Normally the applicant shall use the letters “TM” along with their mark once your application is accepted by the registry. Similarly, once the registration of your trademark is completed, you shall use the letter “R” along with your trademark or name. Registration of the trademark is a country specific process. If you wish to register your trademark in any other country/ies, you should make a separate application which can help you out in the process. Extensive use of trademark makes the users/clients remember your product through the mark. Trademark creates and retains customers. We can say your trademark result in building the images of the company which finally build the goodwill of your corporate. In case of any objection or litigation, our expert team will represent your case and handhold you till the completion of registration of the trademark.