ESI (Employee State Insurance) is a self-financing health insurance scheme and social security for the workers or employee in India . The scheme provides Employees with a comprehensive Social Security Scheme for protecting the employees during sickness, injury or disability. Employer should register ESI for the factory or establishment with ESIC (Employee State Insurance Corporation ) within 15 days which is applicable to the ESI Act. ESI is the autonomous corporation under Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India . The funds for the employees and their families are managed by ESI through its large network of branch offices, hospitals etc.. in accordance to the ESI Act 1948. So , the employee can enjoy all the benefits including full range of medical's, surgical, diabetes treatment etc... While registering ESI , using form 01 filing is done along with a separate sheet containing the name and address of the Establishment, number of employees, nature of duty and name, designation and address of the manager controlling such persons, in respect of office situated outside. After the application pass through compliance and satisfied ESIC (Employee State Insurance Corporation ) regional office will allot a code number to the employer.